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Banjo the Rescue Pup – How Woofalicious was born!

Hi Woofalicious friends I too am so much in love with dogs, any dogs, dogs of any breed, size, colour and age. They are all amazing and each dog holds a special place in my heart just like you but I am saddened by how much they are not cared for, loved and feed good food and treats for those special times as they all deserve. I grew up with dogs around me all my life and I thank my parents for that especially having dogs during my child hood it taught me how to open my heart to their special uniqueness and gifts they offer us humans at all times. We feel pain and so too do they, but they can’t tell us that, they are so reliant on us to be their care keepers and watch over them as they do with us. I have totally fallen in love with dogs and that is why I decided to go on a journey of discovery 5 years ago to find an extra way to be able to assist dog’s health, mobility and funds to ensure that money is allocated to rescues that really have no other way of receiving money to support the dogs.

A Dog named 1147 in a Sydney rescue was about to be euthanized in 2018. I fell in love with him online and my brother supported me by driving to Sydney with me to save this dog. Chad and I drove 5.5 hours to save him. He had emotional baggage, very timid and was scared. I told the rescue I wanted to adopt him and take him home now. That was not possible as he needed to be fully vet checked and neutered. I went back the following week as I had their assurance he would not be put down. I went back and saved Banjo. He was scared of the car, noise and people; it took me 40 minutes to get him into the car. So off we go heading back to Bateman’s Bay to meet his new home and family members. I bonded with Banjo talking to him the whole way home as he was tucking himself up in a ball. Then I thought why not give him something special, we pulled up to a garage for petrol and I brought 2 ice-creams. He devoured it so quickly even put a smile on his face. This was the start of new beautiful friendship for life. I always knew I was going to save him but little did I know he would actually save me and my family.

I thought to myself, this dog was not sick, weak or anything like that just had been abused emotionally and physically but yes he could survive. So why was he being euthanized for no reason at all. I rung 28 dog rescues to see if they had room to take 1 more dog in for a short time but sadly they all only took small dogs, no room in the inn for large bull massive cross, I was horrified and thought bugger this I will take him. During my challenging time ringing rescues I came across a passionate lady named Lynn Thourston from SCARI rescue. She was so helpful and explained her situation. I was surprised she spends all her money and life savings supporting this rescue. I told her I am on a mission to save dogs and fund a reputable rescue, she was it. From there Lynne and I became dear friends and she has ridden this wave with me from start to now.

As soon as we drove up the driveway Banjo jumped out and ran around our acreage property having so much fun. Banjo met my amazing dog German Shepherd Kaya. The two of them became best buddies and would do everything together. I had to go to work and would have to drop Banjo off at a doggy daycare place twice weekly, it took him over 6 months to except the daily routine. After nearly 7 months Banjo would jump out of the car all excited to attend the daycare and have fun with other dogs. The staff were so kind, welcoming and very professional. Banjo had a soft spot for a couple of ladies. I had to learn so much about neglected dogs and even had vet counselling myself to understand his mindset. When Banjo first came home he would run and bounce off the walls frightened. 
Many nights I would have to spend the night with him patting him to sleep. It was like having a baby in the house, I would be up hours on end calming him. I found a product that you plug in the wall and would release a hormone into the air and worked to calm him. At this stage I had to find Banjo a new home he was becoming destructive, naughty and he was always running away causing problems. I knew in my heart I did not want to but things were getting serious. I put posters up everywhere with his picture saying must go a good home. I did that for 6 weeks and nothing happened. I had fallen in love with Banjo and said to my partner well that is a true sign I’m keeping him.
Banjo ended up living with us for two years as I could not find him a home. I rung 28 rescues no room at the Inn. My father decided to name him BANJO from day one and he became a part of our family and best friends with our German shepherd Kaya. Banjo had skin allergies and was a fussy eater often. I ventured into learning about dog’s health knowing I needed to start a company that would have positive health benefits to assist dogs eat lean and healthy dog treats while supporting and creating opportunities for dogs to survive. Creating a company that can make a huge impact on the community, dogs and funding to save the SCARI Rescue.
My light bulb moment came when I started to research more into dog treats and discovered the negative affect’s of toxins, chemicals and preservatives that were harmful to our canine friends.
It was evident it was up to me, I had to create my own recipes offering quirky bursts of flavour, the leanest of Australian meats and tasty fruit that dog’s would drool over that were boutique. It was important to me that all dog owners knew they did not have to worry about their beloved pooch with weight gain or falling sick .I want the best for all dogs everywhere and realised I could do more.

There needed to be more positive health benefits to our pooch’s treats.

WOW on my incredible journey I came across so many special people and dogs that I knew I could help and we could all come together as one. I had no idea that day I saved Banjo he would change my life and family forever. With a lot of patience, passion, understanding and going through numerous challenges it made me realize the importance of saving one dog can change anybodys life.
Poor Banjo came from a terrible background being emotionally damaged, had been physically abused, chained to a clothesline for long periods of time and he was just ruined. I can now say Banjo’s journey has been so eye opening for me and I am blessed to have Banjo in my Life. Just like humans go through their ups and downs to grow so too has Banjo while teaching me many experiences I never thought possible.
Interesting you would think that if Banjo has been neglected and physically abused he would not be a friendly dog and probably not engage with people. This is completely the opposite of Banjo’s personality. He is the most loving, fun, easy going and natural dog I have ever come across in my life.
Everytime people meet with him they have an instant attraction to him as he is the sweetest boy.

Woofalicious nutritionally complete dog treats with 100% wild sourced meat, organic fruit and herbs. Toxin, preservative and chemical FREE.
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